Sometimes the best things come to you when you least expect them. The last thing I expected when I opened my inbox this morning was to discover that one of my shop items was featured on the front page of Etsy. That's my "Noelle" necklace in the picture at top left. It has now sold :)
It is kind of ironic that I wasn't online Tuesday night to see it for myself. Normally I would have been, but I had had a pretty crummy day and decided to take a break from all things Internet related.
If you don't sell on Etsy, you're probably wondering what the big deal is. Without going into all of the details, let me just say that having one of your items make it onto Etsy's home page is the equivalent to getting your 15 minutes of fame. It is tremendous exposure for your shop. Some sellers, it seems, are luckier than others and are often featured. I am not one of them. Put it this way, this was the first time it has happened in the two years that I've been selling, or at least as far as I know. So, you can imagine that I was pretty geeked!
I have to thank two of my fellow sellers ~ jamieshelman was kind enough to send me a "convo" to congratulate me. I thought that was so sweet. Please check out this Seller's wonderful shop full of playful cat drawings ~ it just recently opened. I think my personal favorite item is this one, since I can most certainly relate to it. I am always amazed by those who can draw or paint, since I have zero talent in either of those areas. I wish Jamie much success on Etsy!
The seller who created this lovely Treasury that made it onto the front page is the super talented shellieartist. I've admired her shop for quite some time ~ you must check it out. Shellie creates the most uniquely beautiful works of art using fabric on wood. I've never seen anything like it before ~ truly awesome. It is hard to pick a favorite from all of her lovely creations, but this would be one of mine.
Thanks so much, Jamie and Shellie ~ I will not forget your kindness!